
Our journey of home education, mud and runny noses.

Saturday 7 July 2012

A cure for a wobble.

This week has been tough, mainly because the weather has brought us down.  Howabouts behaviour has been testing too.  I don't know what to make of it: does he need to go to school or is he adjusting and acting out?  Does he need his own set of friends or time to be on his own? It just seems that he wants to spoil our efforts at doing anything fun.
Well Thursday was a cure for this and left us all feeling super positive.  We met with our group of home edders in the woods.  We all arrived late and it was still raining.  I think everyone felt the same, we were all so sick of the rain that we went anyway!  Even before we left the car park the boys were splashing in puddles and running in and out of trees.  We found a nice spot for base camp and promptly set about building a den.  Boys shot off in every direction to fetch bigger and bigger twigs then branches.

It doesn't matter how small you are if you are determined.

Team den was a fantastic achievement and everyone joined in and enjoyed themselves.  After we made caramalised apples in tin cans and there was more puddle jumping.  All of the boys entertained themselves for more than three hours, no complaining or boredom, they would have stayed longer but we had friends coming for lunch.

Team den just as the fern layer was being added.
We all had a great morning and I realised that this is what I had hope home ed would be like.  We are still struggling when stuck in doors, but outside we love it.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Cola fountains and rainbows.

Yesterday was Why?'s birthday sleep over.  The boys came over in the evening for dinner and we had treats a plenty lined up.

We started by making our own slime, this was a real hit with the boys but I can't begin to tell you how difficult Borax is to find!
Next we made a whirlpool in a bottle and lots of clever thinking and imagination took place.  We had a simple dinner of hot dogs in the garden.  Followed by making our own lava lamps (the 8 year olds didn't know what lava lamps were LOL) and dropping alka seltzers into them, cue lots of ooo's, aahhs and 'awesome' s.

We rounded the evening off with marshmallows by the bonfire and a cola fountain display (tips from the boys at http://www.eepybird.com/featured-video/the-extreme-diet-coke-mentos-experiments/)  Before we unleashed the fountains there was a huge downpour followed by the most amazing rainbow, which lasted throughout the cola display.

All boys were suitably muddy, sticky and tired.  A good evening was had by all.